- Courses on specific dates and times are at the top.
- Scroll down for courses that you can stream and engage with any time.
- Scroll further down for organisations offering multiple online courses.
Courses streaming on specific dates & times
12 session, monthly course from Feb 2025
Mystics & Prophets of the 20th Century Begins Sat 8th February - but opt in at any time! With Rowan Williams, Kathleen Duffy, John Phillip Newell & more! Explore the intersection of two profound spiritual paths: the contemplative and the prophetic. You’ll meet mystics and prophets who embodied radical vulnerability, dive into their writings, their struggles, and their spiritual practices. Learn from those who stood at the crossroads of contemplation and action what it means to live with a heart open to the world's joy and pain. |
Cost: £27 a month
A daily Lenten Pilgrimage Retreat Course
Path of Deepening Each Sun-Sat, 5th March-26th April & weekly zoom 4-6pm, UK time with Christine Valters Paintner and others Dive into the wisdom of seven medieval women mystics. We live in liminal times, when the old is falling away and the new is not yet come into being. These seven women each lived past midlife and experienced their own losses through chronic illness or death of loved ones, along with the ravages of their times. These holy women’s voices and visions shimmer across hundreds of years to meet us where we are. |
Cost: from $140 USD (c.£110)
Four week guided Lent course
Four Voices of Discernment: Cynthia Bourgeault's method with Wisdom Waypoints, Wed 19th & 26th March, 2nd & 9th April A four-week, guided learning and practice opportunity. We'll work with the method Cynthia Bourgeault outlines in her Four Voices of Discernment course. As we learn to nurture the peaceable Kingdom within us, we can offer that same curiosity and compassion back to the world in service. |
Cost: tbc
Three week contemplative course
Wisdom Overflowing: Exploring the Universal, Personal Truths Alive within All Contemplative Traditions with Keith Kristich, Thursdays or Fridays, 20th March-4th April Religious traditions may differ in beliefs and rituals, but mystics and contemplatives throughout history have revealed universal truths: God is present everywhere, at all times, and in everyone. Our human calling is to awaken to this profound & loving Reality. Explore the Perennial Tradition and Contemplative Prayer, and the shared mystical heart of all world religions. |
Cost: $45USD (c.£35)
Online, first of six-talk e-course
Women Mystics: Catherine of Sienna with Jane Williams 8th May, 7.30-9.45pm, FRENCH time Despite her youth and lay status, Catherine of Sienna was hugely influential in her time. The Church was deeply divided, driven by powerful political interests and scandal. Catherine’s spiritual authority was recognised and she was somehow able to continue to love the Church, while seeing its failings. Her fresh and lively writings are beloved of linguists as well as theologians. |
Cost: £100 for all 6
Self-directed on line courses: in your own time
Anytime e-course based on retreat teaching:
Re-Learning Trust with Cynthia Bourgeault and Heather Ruce To our usual psychological way of looking at things, trust must be earned; it is called forth in response to demonstrated trustworthiness. But there is another way of approaching trust, which has always been the way of the great saints and mystics. From this other angle of approach, trust is bestowed—from a fathomless strength and freedom which lies latent in every human soul, flowing like a wellspring from the heart of God. |
Cost: $349 CAD (c. £210)
Online retreat course
Contemplative Christianity for Our Time with Sarah Bachelard (based on WCCM's John Main Seminar in 2019) This course consists of five sections, each made up of five lessons: three of these are 15-20 minutes video recordings of a talk from Sarah at the JMS. They are accompanied by a selection of quotes from the talk and a number of prompts and questions to support your experience of, and reflections on, the talks. |
Cost: $70 dollars (c.£57)
Five 'watch anytime' lectures
WCCM's 2022 lecture series: Unified Consciousness: One Mind, One Heart Unified Consciousness was the WCCM theme for 2022. The essential reality of the consciousness of mind and heart is a shared insight of all spiritual traditions as well as of the greatest scientists of the modern era. In a series of talks throughout the year, spiritual teachers, social leaders, thinkers and writers with contemplative wisdom explore its meaning for us today. |
Cost: free
Anytime online course
Contemplative Christianity for our Time with Sarah Bachelard (based on her 2019 John Main Seminar lectures) This course consists of five sections, each concentrating on one of Sarah's talks at the John Main Seminar. Within each section are five lessons: three consist of video recordings of the talk, as delivered to the audience in Canada. Each video lesson (c.15-20 minutes long) is accompanied by quotes from the talk and prompts and questions to support your experience of and reflections on the talks. |
Cost: $69.99 USD
(c. £58.00) |
Free on line self-study course
Monk Within with Dr Beverly Lanzettta A brand new series of online courses based on Lanzetta's teachings of the universal call to contemplation. The author of many books on new monasticism and emerging universal spirituality, Lanzetta is dedicated to a vision of theological openness and spiritual nonviolence. Her work is considered to be a major contribution to what theologian Ursula King called “a feminine mystical way for the 21st century.” |
Other course titles include: The Monastic Personality; The Cloud of Unknowing; In the Beginning; and Christian-Sanyassa: A Path of Mystical Union in Bede Griffiths and Abhishiktananda. They are 5-8 sessions in length.
Free on line, year long self-study course:
The Spiritual Journey The course is the foundational teaching legacy of Fr. Thomas Keating. Based on the original year-long, in depth on line program, the course offers more than 100 different sections. Fr Thomas said of the course, 'Although it seeks to establish a dialogue between the insights of contemporary psychology and the classic Christian spiritual masters, its primary goal is practical: to provide a solid conceptual background for the practice of contemplative prayer and the spiritual journey for our time.' It is offered freely by Contemplative Outreach, the home of Centering Prayer teaching, for all who wish to gain wisdom and understanding of the Christian spiritual path of transformation into Christ. |
Cost: free
Six -part self-guided, anytime course:
Meditation, Wellbeing and More with Jim Green: a WCCM self-guided ANYTIME course This online course is divided into 6 sections; each section has 6 lessons. We learn in many different ways, so the course has a diversity of approaches. Lessons 1-3 consist of essays reflecting on specific aspects of the main theme of the section. Lesson 4 is an invitation to make time for personal reflection and relate it to your own lived experience. Lesson 5 is a time for meditation. Lesson 6 offers pointers for further exploration in both written and video forms. |
Cost: $35 USD (c. £28)
Self-guided course, with online peer groups:
Meditation - A Healing Response to Trauma a WCCM course including teaching on 'Developing a meditation support group for refugees and asylum seekers' An online course with descriptions of how and why meditation helps to heal trauma. It brings together trauma survivors, staff who work with traumatized people, neuroscientists, a neuro-psychiatrist, a Benedictine priest, and more, you get a well-rounded view of how and why meditation can heal trauma, in the body, mind, and spirit. |
Cost: $60 dollars (c. £50)
14 session WCCM meditation course
lead by Fr. Laurence Freeman Each is introduced with a teaching by Laurence Freeman on one of the Fruits of the Spirit that we experience in the course of our regular practice. Each session contains a 20-minute meditation period, concluded with a short scripture reading. The final session is a review of the stages of the journey of meditation. Watch and listen on WCCM+ - the WCCM online teaching platform. |
Cost: free
Contemplating Earth
with Jim Green: a WCCM self-guided ANYTIME course The course will acknowledge different perspectives on the global existential threat and hopes that references to opportunities for further exploration will signpost you towards things in your interest. Primarily, the course explores the ways in which contemplation might be fundamental in enabling us to authentically engage with areas of human discourse, to act wisely and urgently in our politics, to live through this current crisis – fully, creatively and collectively. |
Cost: $25 (c. £18)
Online courses from different organisations
Spirituality & Practice:
Resources for the Journey Offering a mix of streamed and self-guided on line courses This organisation offers a wide array of courses on spirituality, many from renowned Christian teachers (Rohr, Keating, Bourgeault, Chittister, Borg, Silf etc) and many from other faith traditions. Lots of the courses are on demand while some are streamed at a particular time but often become available on demand. Some courses are free but most have a charge - £30-£75, depending on length. |
Online courses from Contemplative Outreach:
Offering a mix of streamed and self-guided on line courses Contemplative Outreach offers a range of courses that are rooted in Centering Prayer and practices that are associated with it. These include Lectio Divina; the 'Welcoming Practice/Prayer'; Practicing the Presence of God and a variety of other courses that support or develop understanding of these practices. Course costs begin at £30 but Contemplative Outreach offer some bursaries. Most are offered via the Spirituality & Practice website, below. |
Courses: Woodbrooke & Quakers in Britain A variety of courses and events: residential, online, blended and in person. Most relate to Quakers but others relate to Quaker practices, life and worship that may be of interest to those with a practice of silence. Residential and in person options are based in centres across the UK. |
On line courses from Wisdom Waypoints:
A variety of courses featuring Cynthia Bourgeault. These are predominantly video recordings of her teachings from various Wisdom School residentials around the world. They vary from a few to more than 20 teaching sessions and costs range from free for Wisdom Waypoint members (a small donation secures membership) to $125 US dollars. |
On line courses from WCCM:
World Community for Christian Meditation A variety of courses based around the practice of 'Christian Meditation' taught by WCCM. Some are free, including three-part courses on 'How to meditate' and 'Building the meditation habit'. Many are free to 'Supporting members' of WCCM which costs from £8.50 per month. Pay-as-you go courses include a three term 'Roots of Christian Mysticism' course, which costs around £47 per term. |
You can search the entire website here.