Seeds of Silence has no funding from charities or institutions.
Everything Seeds of Silence(SoS) offers is free for you and anyone else to access because SoS believes that support in developing a spiritual discipline of silence should be available for anyone at no charge.
This can only remain possible if people like
you donate to Seeds of Silence.
Everything Seeds of Silence(SoS) offers is free for you and anyone else to access because SoS believes that support in developing a spiritual discipline of silence should be available for anyone at no charge.
This can only remain possible if people like
you donate to Seeds of Silence.
Will you support Seeds of Silence?
If you appreciate what the Seeds of Silence project offers you and others, will you make a regular or one-off gift so that its resources can continue to be free for anyone to access?
For information on regular giving or a one-off donation to Seeds of Silence, including how to Gift Aid your donations, please click the Regular Giving and Gift Aided donations button.
Thank you!
To make a quick one-off donation please scan the QR code. This takes you to the Seeds of Silence donations page on the People's Fundraising website. Seeds of Silence cannot reclaim any Gift Aid on this option and a percentage of your donation will be taken by People's Fundraising for the use of their services.
Your donations will help fund Seeds of Silence to:
- send out the weekly 'Quoting Silence' email
- create all the web pages for the Quoting Silence: A month with' series
- run all its regular online sessions (lunchtime and evening Silence Space; Silence Forum; Silence Clinic and Silence Reading Group)
- keep its signposting website and all its free resources up to date
- create the annual online Advent Calendar and send out its daily 'nudges'
- offer one-off, one-to-one zoom conversations and email conversations with individuals about developing their practice of silence
You can search the entire website here.