Monday 9th August, 2021
Rachel Muers, Keeping God's Silence: Towards a Theological Ethics of Communication (Blackwell, 2004), 148.
Image: Jean-Phillipe Delberghe, Belgium, @jeanphillipedelberghe
This quote is from Rachel Muers' book, Keeping God's Silence: Towards a Theological Ethics of Communication (Blackwell, 2004), 148: a text text that's not for the faint-hearted! Rachel is a life-long Quaker and now Professor of Theology at the University of Leeds. She is also a member of the World Council of Churches Faith and Order Commission. Muers' areas of writing are broad, extending from research into vegetarianism and spirituality in historical and contemporary theology to Quakerism, via feminist interpretations of scripture. She is well-known as a writer on Bonhoeffer's thought and for her involvement in biblical interpretation in connection with Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations. To watch Rachel's recent lecture, 'Speaking as a Footnote: The Challenge of Quaker Theology', given to the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture in May 2021, see here.