Monday 28th February, 2022
Stefan Gillow Reynolds, Living with the Mind of Christ: Mindfulness in Christian Spirituality (Augsberg Books, 2020), 210.
Image: Grant Whitty, Eugene, Origon,
Today's quote is from Stefan Gillow Reynolds' Living with the Mind of Christ: Mindfulness in Christian Spirituality (Augsburg Books, 2020 [DLT, 2016]), 210 - see here. Stefan is Retreat Director at the Cistercian (Trappist) Mount Melleray Abbey, in Co. Waterford, Ireland - see here. With a PhD in Christian Spirituality, his interests include the mystic tradition, Christian history and inter-religious dialogue. Reynolds teaches Christian Meditation as advanced by WCCM - see here for their website - and is the author of their self-guided, 24 part, online course, 'Roots of Christian Mysticism' - see here. For a one minute trailer about his most recent book, The Wisdom of Love in the Song of Songs (Hikari Press, 2018), which was chosen by Laurence Freeman as his Book of the Year for The Tablet, see here. In this new book Reynolds sheds light on the mystical, academic and secular interpretations of what is often thought of as the most enigmatic book of the bible.