Monday 21st March, 2022
Joyce Rupp, Open the Door: A Journey to the True Self (Sorin Books, 2008), 109.
Image: Frank McKenna, San Diego, USA,
This quote is from Joyce Rupp's Open the Door: A Journey to the True Self (Sorin Books, 2008), 109, which you can read more about here. Joyce Rupp is an internationally well-known retreat leader, conference speaker and a prolific writer. To see the entire collection of her books, which focus on prayer and spiritual growth, click here. This vast treasure-trove of spiritual insight emerges from her journeying as a Catholic sister in what is often referred to as the Servites community, officially called the Servants of Mary. For more about her community, whose ministry is described as being a 'compassionate presence in the spirit of Mary', see here. The wider Servites order includes communities of friars, contemplative nuns, active, religious sisters and a wide network of lay groups. You can read more about the Servite communities here. As well as writing books that offer a course of daily meditations, Rupp is also a poet. One of her collections of poetry, My Soul Feels Lean: Poems of Loss and Restoration (Sorin Books, 2013), may be particularly helpful in this time of Lent and as we continue to reflect on the many losses inflicted by Covid over the last two years. For a video of Joyce talking about this book and reading some of its poems, see here. This page also has links to a variety of other videos with the author.