Monday 15th November, 2021
Kathleen Fischer, Autumn Gospel: Women in the Second Half of Life (Integration Books, 21995), 109.
Image: Dikaseva, Jakarta, @Dikaseva
This quote is from Kathleen Fischer's Autumn Gospel: Women in the Second Half of Life (Integration Books, 1995), 109. Kathleen taught theology in Seattle, USA, in the 1990s and wrote a number of well-known books about spirituality and pastoral care, including today's title. You can read it on line or download a copy of the book here as part of a free one month trial. Fischer's work over many years, as a social worker with older people in both institutional and community settings, led to her interest in the spiritual journeyings of people in the latter stages of life. This interest is reflected in many of her book titles, a full range of which can be found here. A spiritual director/accompanist, she was probably the first author to write a book about this ministry from a feminist perspective, published as Women at the Well: Feminist Perspectives on Spiritual Direction (SPCK, 1989) - see here. It's now difficult to trace Kathleen Fischer on line, other than via her books, and it may well be that she has now retired from public life.