Seeds of Silence:finding space with God
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Exploring Silence Workshop
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BLOGS re silence & contemplative life
Please fill in the booking form below to book a place on the extra
Exploring Silence
workshop at Bradford Cathedral on Saturday 27th January, 2018. This will take place in the Cathedral Chapter House*, from 10.30am-1pm.
As well as a message confirming that your booking has been sent, you will receive an email confirmation of your booking within a few days.
Indicates required field
Your first name
Your surname
Email address
Please indicate the number of places you are booking in the box below.
Number of workshop places
If you
are sending this booking form for yourself
and others
, please add their names to the box below
. Your email address will be used to send further information to these participants.
Names of any additional participants
If the workshop on that date is fully booked, would you like to go on a waiting list if we receive any cancellations?
Yes or No?
In the box below please describe any access needs you may have for this workshop, such as needing wheelchair access, large print, or T Loop.
We will do our best to accommodate these needs, and may contact you for further information or clarification.
Access needs
Thank you for your interest in the Exploring Silence workshops
and for filling in this booking form.
You should receive an email confirmation of your booking in the next few days
* The venue may move to elsewhere in the Cathedral if we have participants whose access needs cannot be accommodated in the Chapter House. In this instance, you will be notified in advance of any change of location.
Who is SoS for?
What is Seeds of Silence?
What does SoS offer?
What else does SoS offer?
WHO is the SoS team?
Meditation: online groups & teaching
In person events
Virtual events
Residential Retreats
Virtual retreats
Silence Quotes
This week's quote
A month with ...
The Quoting Silence Collections
Advent Adventures with Silence 2023
Podcasts and recordings
Poems & prayers for silence & meditation
Virtual, self-guided retreats
Virtual courses: self-guided or streamed
Books & DVD suggestions
New books
50+ Poems for hard times
Documents to download
Covid Resources
Spiritual Accompaniment
WORKSHOPS & Retreats
Exploring Silence Workshop
CONTACT Seeds of Silence
Quoting Silence email Request Form
Donate to Seeds of Silence
WRITINGS & Interviews
BLOGS re silence & contemplative life