8th December
Phileena Heuertz, Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation (IVP Books, 2018), 162.
Image: Anastasiya Badun, Los Angeles, USA, unsplash.com/@badun
‘"God is the drone note that underscores everything." But we have to get quiet to notice that presence.
In solitude we learn to be present.
In silence, we learn to listen.
And in stillness, we develop restraint.
Contemplative prayer, held in the postures of solitude, silence, and stillness, helps us wake up to Presence. Regular contemplative practice helps us detect the "drone note" undergirding our life. Once that presence is recognized we can more easily discern how to respond to life. Even just a little contemplation goes a long way. The important thing is to awake from slumber and stop resisting this critical part of life. It’s time that all of us who desire to build a better world make time for spiritual practice. The future of our global family is counting on it.
Clearly, we all need at least a little bit of solitude, silence, and stillness. And some of us will be called to more.'

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